Get Started at The Good Space

Pilates Studio in the heart of the Tanglewood neighborhood of houston

Pilates is an efficient, holistic workout you’ll love. 

With each class, your body will strengthen and heal. Your mind will focus and renew. Your mood will be uplifted. Pilates increases mind-body awareness, relieves chronic stress patterns, and refreshes the body by relieving muscle strain. Pilates movements generate motion and circulation without causing strain on your joints or imbalance in your body.

Choose from 2 Intro Offers, just for new clients:

Classes intro offer


4 Classes ($24.75/ea)

Expires in 2 weeks

Privates intro offer


3 Privates ($95/ea)

Expires in 3 months

“Wonderful experience at The Good Space! The instructors are very knowledgeable, equipment is in great shape and very clean, and the atmosphere is fun and upbeat. Staff and other students are friendly and welcoming. You will feel right at home!”

—Emily B.

 What to expect in your first class

  • We supply water, mats and towels, so no need to bring your own. We do require sticky socks on the equipment—bring your own or you can buy or rent a pair from us. We like to see your alignment, so form fitting clothes is a plus.

    Park in the garage, and walk through the atrium to the front of the building, turn right thru glass doors and TGS is the first door on your right. Call us if you need help finding us, 713-784-8555.

  • During your first few classes, you’ll learn a new way of breathing and connecting to your "Powerhouse." You’ll focus on the exhale and use your abdominals to push all the air out of your lungs before starting another repetition. Joe Pilates would call this an, "internal shower." Your Powerhouse are muscles you use to connect, initiate and perform the exercises, you will hear cues in class on how and when to connect to your powerhouse. Don't worry we are here to help you turn your Powerhouse on!

  • Our goal is quality over quantity. You’ll learn to stretch, strengthen and move your body in very intentional ways while concentrating on your breathing and Pilates connections and concepts. It’s not about sweat or repetition. It’s about balance, control, and precision of your alignment while doing flowing movement.

  • We focus on giving your unique body what it needs for healing. Pilates is an individual practice, so in class you’ll notice modifications to allow for recovery after injury, deeper challenge, or just a different pace or practice.

  • We have classes that are beginner as well as advanced, contemporary and HIP. Pilates uses all of your muscles as you go through flexion, extension, rotation and lateral movement of your spine in all planes of gravity. Pilates is a movement system, with a goal behind each exercise in the choreography.

    Our goal is to empower you by connecting you to your powerhouse in any level or style of class you enjoy the most.

“Such an amazing studio from the instructors with their knowledge and the classes which I have tried lots of different ones and loved them all the studio has everything you will need for your work, my favorite place to feel better about myself !”

—Evette A.

Ready to bring your mind and body into alignment?
Join us. 

Classes intro offer


4 Classes ($24.75/ea)

Expires in 2 weeks

Privates intro offer


3 Privates ($95/ea)

Expires in 3 months